
love adele....

I find it so refreshing to see a pop star (although I use the term "pop star" loosely - who even knows what it means anymore?!) who is....

a) not skin and bones and promoted purely for her looks even though she has zip talent;
b) not trying to be someone she isn't; and 
c) completely and utterly brimming with natural born genius.

This is what music's about. I'm over the sheer artificiality of Lady Gaga and the like - yes, she's kooky and kudos to her for writing her own music but really, when it comes down it, she's just a chick that dresses weird and writes average songs. Correct?

So thank you, Adele, for giving me faith in the music industry and the fact that, despite all their money grabbing ideals, they still pump out a true star like you every so often. 

Check out the vid above to see a real musician take the stage.

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